Combatting Malnourishment

Sadly, we have many cases of malnutrition among our students. One of our goals is to make sure each child that comes to La Escuelita receives a warm and nutritious meal each day. It wasn't until 2019 and through generous donations that we have been able to provide this consistently. When funds and donations allow, we also provide groceries to our students' families to sustain their nourishment at home. 

Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, we were able to provide monthly grocery supplies to all families thanks to generous donations and support. This assistance was essential in keeping our students and their families safe and healthy during a very challenging period. 

We are also pleased to welcome our newest staff member, Dani Alexander, chef for our Nutrition program. Antonio was a scholarship recipient through the Faith Seeds program and graduated in 2022 with a certificate in Culinary Arts. He now develops a nutritious meal plan and cooks for our students each day, ensuring their nutritious needs are met! With full bellies, students can more easily focus on lessons, homework, and studies. 

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